The Small Clock

Sometimes I have to teach my class without using the presenter view. That robbed me out of an easily visible clock. Classrooms tend to have clock visible to the student, not teachers. I like to know the time to correctly pace the class, so not having visible one bother me a lot.

Even though I wear a watch, I find looking at the watch to be significantly more :effort: than just having a visible one at a glance. Sometimes I just remove my watch and place them on the table, but I don’t find that very practical.

The other day, when I was browsing my local MUJI store, I found a small clock. It was actually quite small, about 8cm in width.

The Small Clock
The Small Clock

I love this clock so much. It’s small enough to be carried everywhere and large enough that I could just spare a glance to check the time during teaching. It was already been a staple in my backpack.

That is, until one day when I eventually forget it in a classroom…