Introducing InnoWiki

Well, this is not actually planned, but it is simple enough that I can hack things together in a couple of days (and yes, the code is very short but very hackish)

Let meet InnoWiki:

Basically, it is a very simple static site generator with some wiki extension. I created it because I need a platform to store my teaching documents, and to be honest, running MediaWiki on a $5 DigitalOcean server, even with HHVM, sounds like asking for a problem.

Like most newer design paradigms, for content that rarely changes, using static content (generated .html) is the best. I think even nginx on a $5 DO server can handle thousands of requests per second easily (SSD does help)

Not much to say here, the project actually does nothing special, except help me brush up on my regular expression skills. See you next time!